Friday, March 20, 2015

Wearing Pajamas in Public—A New Fad

There used to be an age, where wearing your pajamas in public meant you were either a teenager, or a stoner. I’m sure if we were to draw a Venn Diagram of the two demographics, there’d be a pretty large overlap, though, so it’s irrelevant. That’s no longer the case. It's now perfectly acceptable to wear your pajamas out and about proudly. This new fad could be caused by a multitude of reasons.

Firstly, you may actually be a teenager or a stoner, in which case, just do you and let your freak flag fly. Studies show that adolescence extends to about the age of thirty now so you have some wiggle room.

Secondly, you find yourself a forty-something mother of two, and you’re in the infant section at Target wearing Looney Toons pajamas, so what gives? Well, as it turns out, pajamas are incredibly comfortable now, and there are many varieties these days. You don’t need to be stuck with the plaid pajamas your grandfather wore, now they can have Batman and such on them, and I think we all agree that Batman pajamas at any age are pretty awesome.

The reality is that life is hectic. Life seems like it’s more fast-paced than ever before. We have new challenges to face, and new problems to overcome. Wearing pajamas as everyday fashion is incredibly convenient. Not only are they just really comfortable pieces of clothing, but they’re easy to slip on, and just go. Plus, I've always liked the look, far more than wearing regular sweat pants. There’s a big difference between the two. You wear your pajamas in public and people may just think that you’re laid back, wear regular sweats out in public and people will think that you’ve officially given up.

Some may say that it’s a representation of the downward spiral in fashion. I personally think that’s dumb. It’s entirely subjective, and frankly, if that’s what the majority are wearing, then that’s the new fashion, and who’s to say whether it’s a move forward, back, or simply lateral? I think at the end of the day, wearing your pajamas in public because you had to take that quick trip to the grocery store to buy milk is more simply a sign of the times. Life’s stressful, convenience helps make life less stressful. It’s as simple as that.

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