Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Some Thoughts on How to Throw a Great Adult Pajama Party

Pajama parties are typically thought of as being for college and high school students, and even kids, but I am writing to you today to tell you that even as adults you can throw great pajama parties. Even when you’re all grown-up, pajama parties can be a great way to reconnect with friends and unwind in a relaxed and casual setting. We all live fast-paced and busy lives. Sometimes it can be just what everyone needs in order to unwind.

Setting-wise, if you want to truly keep things relaxed and casual, as well as inexpensive, nothing beats your own home. This can also serve as a good throwback to those college and high school days when that type of thing was a bit more common. It could also be fun if you’re down to spend a bit more money to go to a hotel or even a grown-up arcade/bar and bring the party there. This probably isn't the sort of event you’d want to overly-concern yourself with in regards to decorating. Keep things mellow and casual.

For food, remember that we’re shooting for nostalgia, so harkening back to those days of your youth with simple food like pizza and fries. A pajama party isn’t something to worry about getting fancy for. With drinks, keep it simple: for non-alcoholic, go with sodas and for alcoholic, stick with beer and colorful mixed drinks.

The next big question is what to do? This would be a great opportunity to either rent a karaoke machine, or really let loose with a sing-along video game. There of course also plenty of regular video games and of course movies for background noise during the party. It’s one of those things where you really want to think about, what would I have wanted to do in my late teens?

I’m sure there are some that would roll their eyes at the thought of being an adult and hosting or going to a bachelor party. Just remember though, sometimes it’s important to forget yourself, your job, your family, your debts, and just have fun. That is something that I fear we tend to lose as we get older. As time goes by, it becomes far more difficult to lose yourself in just being silly for a night. The older you get though, the more important those nights can be. You never want to lose your ability to simply let go, and have a good time, and why not in your pajamas?

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