Saturday, March 14, 2015

Keys to Wearing Pajamas Outdoors

At times we can be a culture that’s obsessed with how we look, and in a way that’s a good thing. Sure, the inside's what counts and that’s as it should be, but let’s not forget that it's the outside that typically opens the door. Keeping that in mind, how you look also says a lot in how you view yourself. If you look too done up, or if you look disheveled, that can project that you don’t really care about you, and if you don’t care about you, then why should anyone else? All of that being said, sometimes people want comfort and don’t want to go crazy getting ready. I myself am one of those people. Frequently. 

So when you decide to rock your pajamas outside you’re going to want to do so in a way that doesn't make people think you’re a slob or depressed. This can be a thin line to walk so pay attention.

Keep it simple. It’s probably not the best idea to wear overly intricate designs or garishly bright colors, isn't typically the best choice. In regards to what to wear on top, the impulse will be whether you are a guy or girl to wear a hoodie, but no, bad move. We've all seen people in the hoodie and PJ’s and it makes you look like a bum. Again you want to be able to be comfortable, without giving a poor impression of yourself. How you present yourself on the outside all-too-often can give a good glimpse into how you feel on the inside. You don’t want people to think that you don’t care. If someone can tell you have a poor self-image, it may reflect how they act toward you. Again, if you don’t care about you, why should anyone else? So skip the hoodie. Instead, wear something that will shape you more as opposed to just going bulky and shapeless with that hoodie.

Lastly, and this should go without saying but just to be on the safe side I’m going to say it anyway: make sure you’re contained. Part of what make pajamas great and comfortable is how loose-fitting and baggy they are, that also creates a far greater chance of a wardrobe malfunction. To save yourself embarrassment and felony indecent exposure charges, take steps to make sure that won't happen to you.

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