Monday, March 9, 2015

Pajamas to Spice up Any Relationship

We've all been there. You are in this great new relationship. Everything's new, it’s exciting, it’s fun, it’s everything we ever wanted, and then it happens: it stops being new, exciting, fun, and suddenly we maybe wanted something or someone else. That’s the harsh reality, if you let things go just as they are, the bloom falls from the rose. It's the Second Law of Thermodynamics in action, if left unchecked, the relationship heads toward a state of entropy. You shouldn't be singing the funeral hymns for your relationship just yet though. People are far too quick to call a quits early these days and that’s a mistake. 

Relationships, like all else, just need a little work. That’s actually part of the lasting fun, growing and evolving together and creating a life together as opposed to a couple of months of passionate nonsense with no substance that fades once it just becomes the new reality.

Now, you may be asking yourself how you can go about spicing things up once they’ve seemingly gone stale. The reality is that there are a lot of ways that simply involve creating a true connection and emotional intimacy with your partner, but today, in this article, I’m going to focus on what goes on in the bedroom, because let’s face it, that’s the fun stuff (seriously though, the emotional part is hugely important).

The normal ebb and flow of a lasting relationship is bound to involve some points where unfortunately, physical intimacy is low on your priorities list, and this is true for men and women, though unfortunately this usually happens at opposite times. Stupid biology. 

Sometimes when this happens, you just need to do a little something to rekindle things. This little something can seriously be something as simple as changing up the sleepwear rotation. I’m not saying you need to make sure you sleep in lingerie all of the time, but maybe start with just once per week, and it doesn't even have to be lingerie, just a little something different, away from the routine, that you know your partner will get enjoy. Honestly it sometimes does not take much at all. There are plenty of sexy pajama options that can get things going again for everyone. 

That's officially your homework: if you're currently in a sexual drought, or next time you are in one, pick a single night to switch up the rotation. There’s even a chance that simply the act of changing it will get the excitement going. It doesn't have to be huge, just throw on a special pair of pajamas and see what happens. 

At the end of the day, you’ll feel sexy and better about yourself, and your partner will feel invigorated by it too, and maybe that starts a chain reaction that seeps into the rest of the relationship as well. So go on, give it a try.

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