Thursday, April 2, 2015

Quick Tips to Being the Coolest Nerd at Comic Con

Comic Con is a place for nerds of all kinds to gather and immerse themselves in the culture of their favorite characters, places and stories. Here are 6 tips to make sure you are the coolest nerd in all of Comic Con.

Tip #1: Arrive Early
Parking spots will fill quickly, and the line outside can grow in a hurry. You can arrive early, grab a coffee and breakfast and schedule your day out. This will let you make the most of your day at Comic Con and not squander your precious time.

Tip #2: Know the Lingo
It’s impossible to know about each and every show, movie, game and comic represented at the Con, but you should be familiar enough with most of them so you aren't left looking clueless. Take the time to especially bone up on any panels or meet and greets you plan on attending since you will be waiting with their truest fans.

Tip #3: Bring Your Own Refreshments
New attendees make the mistake of having to wait in line for snacks and drinks. Prices are artificially high and lines can get quite long during peak hours. Consider bringing a refillable water bottle along with crackers, nuts, popcorn or any other filling snack that can be carried around with no hassle.

Tip #4: Know Your Celebrities
You shouldn't only familiarize yourself with the celebrities who’re going to be attending the panels, but also the celebrities that tend to hang around Comic Con. You may end up knocking elbows with somebody like Patton Oswalt or Kevin Smith. Not recognizing them immediately would be decidedly uncool.

Tip #5: Carry Cash
One thing Comic Con is known for is having a great variety of vendors with memorabilia from all sorts of genres. A good deal of these vendors do accept credit or debit cards, but many of them are cash only. The ATM machines throughout the convention often have long lines and heavy fees. It would be a great shame to miss the perfect piece to your collection because you had to stand in line for an ATM.

Tip #6: Dress to Impress
Dressing up in costume is not a requirement for attendance, but a great costume goes a long way in earning the respect of all other nerds at Comic Con. Pick your favorite character, whether it be somebody from a TV show, movie, comic book, novel, or any other character you can imagine. Try to pick somebody somewhat uncommon but not so obscure that they won't be recognized. You want your fellow nerds to recognize your awesome costume immediately!

Monday, March 23, 2015

You’re Never Too Old to Sleep in Cartoon Pajamas

Before you read any further, I want you to stop and think for a moment, when you were a child, who was your favorite cartoon character? It can even be right now. Who is your favorite cartoon character at this very moment? I personally have several. As a child, my favorite cartoon characters were the Ghostbusters as seen in ‘The Real Ghostbusters’. I would like to add that it is un-American to not love the Ghostbusters. Now, my favorites, that’s right, favorites, are Rock Lee from ‘Naruto’, Piccolo from ‘Dragonball Z’, and Zuko from ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’. Thinking about any of the characters I just listed, I had to actively stop myself from smiling. I’d be willing to bet that you did the same when I told you to think about your favorite cartoon character.

When you’re a child, the sky seems to be the limit. We have never-ending dreams, dreams so raw and pure that they can’t even truly be called ambitions, and we dream them freely. At that moment in our lives, magic is real, and there’s nothing that can’t come true. Cartoons give us a great outlet for that. It’s a peak into make-believe worlds of fantasy and magic, heroism and valor, as well as talking anthropomorphized sponges. 

As we get older, we tend to let life get the better of us. Life has knocked us down, taught us we have limits. It showed us we have boundaries, and we may even have a couple of scars to prove it. It can be hard not to buckle underneath life. We cope with its stresses by becoming what we think is the best version of ourselves. That usually means being straight-laced, responsible, and doing our duty to ourselves and our family. That’s all well and good except for one issue, and it’s a big issue. That issue is, we’re lying to ourselves. We fill our minds with these beliefs and self-imposed limitations because we can’t imagine that we can do better. We lose our ability to dream. We tell ourselves that we’re too old, too fat, too dumb, that that opportunity past us by.

It’s rough to think about, but in that regard, that’s where we need to let ourselves be a kid again and reconnect with our inner child. That child growing up in some ways understood more about the world than you probably do now. If you can imagine the possibility, with that same hard work and drive that you've used in other areas in life, you can make that possibility a reality. 

Cartoons can be a great outlet for that. They can teach us simple yet valuable lessons that we've simply forgotten along the way, and that maybe, just maybe, there’s real magic in the world after all. 

So stop reading, order some pajamas sporting your favorite cartoon character, and dream of the possibilities your life has in store for you.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

What Kind of Material Should You Get Your Pajamas In?

Sleepwear can be remarkably important. After all, that's what you’ll be spending (hopefully) six-eight hours in. Comfort is huge and that’s going to be a big factor, but there are so many materials that pajamas can come in. There really is no right answer in regard to what’s best because it all comes down to preference. What I can help you with here though, is giving some insight into the different types these can come in.

Cotton: This is easily the most common kind you’ll find. There’s good reason for that though. Cotton pajamas are warm, comfortable, and soft. It’ll absorb sweat and is pretty durable. It's also machine washable which's always a plus.

Wool: Wool actually comes from cotton, and shares many of the good qualities of cotton. Wool is also incredibly warm making it perfect for cold winter nights.

Silk: This is a bit fancier than some of the other options and it comes from a worm, BUT silk is one of the softest, most breathable fabrics you can find. It’s also incredibly light. There are some downsides though. It can really only be machine-washed on cold, and it shouldn’t be machine-dried at all. Sweat can also cause it to weaken a bit, and ironing can make it fade. It’s up to you though as to whether or not the pros outweigh the cons.

Flannel: Another perfect winter fabric. Flannel is incredibly warm yet breathable, and is remarkably durable. Winter can be rough, and here in Massachusetts it’s been particularly bad, so maybe some flannel pajamas aren’t a bad idea.

Cashmere: Cashmere is quite fancy, and makes for some very comfortable pajamas. Very soft and breathable, and it’s water resistant so you can sweat all you want without fear of any sort of damage to the material. There is a downside to cashmere though and that is that it shouldn’t be machine-washed.

That’s a rundown of all of the different types of material you can find your sleepwear in, or at least all that I can think of. Hopefully this is all helpful for you as you decide which pajamas to go for when you do your shopping at Jumpin Jammerz.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Wearing Pajamas in Public—A New Fad

There used to be an age, where wearing your pajamas in public meant you were either a teenager, or a stoner. I’m sure if we were to draw a Venn Diagram of the two demographics, there’d be a pretty large overlap, though, so it’s irrelevant. That’s no longer the case. It's now perfectly acceptable to wear your pajamas out and about proudly. This new fad could be caused by a multitude of reasons.

Firstly, you may actually be a teenager or a stoner, in which case, just do you and let your freak flag fly. Studies show that adolescence extends to about the age of thirty now so you have some wiggle room.

Secondly, you find yourself a forty-something mother of two, and you’re in the infant section at Target wearing Looney Toons pajamas, so what gives? Well, as it turns out, pajamas are incredibly comfortable now, and there are many varieties these days. You don’t need to be stuck with the plaid pajamas your grandfather wore, now they can have Batman and such on them, and I think we all agree that Batman pajamas at any age are pretty awesome.

The reality is that life is hectic. Life seems like it’s more fast-paced than ever before. We have new challenges to face, and new problems to overcome. Wearing pajamas as everyday fashion is incredibly convenient. Not only are they just really comfortable pieces of clothing, but they’re easy to slip on, and just go. Plus, I've always liked the look, far more than wearing regular sweat pants. There’s a big difference between the two. You wear your pajamas in public and people may just think that you’re laid back, wear regular sweats out in public and people will think that you’ve officially given up.

Some may say that it’s a representation of the downward spiral in fashion. I personally think that’s dumb. It’s entirely subjective, and frankly, if that’s what the majority are wearing, then that’s the new fashion, and who’s to say whether it’s a move forward, back, or simply lateral? I think at the end of the day, wearing your pajamas in public because you had to take that quick trip to the grocery store to buy milk is more simply a sign of the times. Life’s stressful, convenience helps make life less stressful. It’s as simple as that.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Helpful "Jumpin" Tips for Buying Pajamas

There can be a good amount of decision making that goes into buying onesie pajamas here at Jumpin Jammerz. The best ones are loose-fitting and comfortable for your sleeping hours. In this write-up, I want to give you some tips to take into consideration before you buy new ones.

Firstly, what are you looking to use them for? If you’re just looking to sleep in your new pajamas, then it may not matter too much, but the material can be really important if you intend on wearing them more often. Some materials like cashmere are a bit more fragile and that can be an issue. Really think about what you’re looking to do with them, and then decide on material from there.

Secondly, think about comfort. The only reason why I didn't put this first, is simply because if your pajamas are going to rip and get ruined doing what you’re doing, then it doesn't matter how comfortable you are. If you’re looking to use them purely as sleepwear though, your comfort is paramount. If you’re uncomfortable, then you can kiss sleep goodbye. No good sleep, then no good days. With that logic, it’s easy to see how buying the right pajamas can be one of the most important purchases you make. Most people won’t be seeing what you are sleeping in, so go for function over appearance.

Finally, who're these for? If you’re buying pajamas for yourself, then factors like design are unimportant. If they’re for your children for example, then they’re going to care about what’s on them. Obviously, I doubt anyone reading this will be expecting their sons to be willing to wear ‘Hello Kitty’ pajamas, but really think about what the person you’re buying them for really likes. Today you can get pajamas in just about any design. 

Hopefully these tips were helpful to you in helping you pick out your pajamas. Personally, while I’m sure much of what was said wasn't terribly new, sometimes it helps to have your thoughts laid out in black and white. It can be surprisingly easy to overlook something otherwise.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Some Thoughts on How to Throw a Great Adult Pajama Party

Pajama parties are typically thought of as being for college and high school students, and even kids, but I am writing to you today to tell you that even as adults you can throw great pajama parties. Even when you’re all grown-up, pajama parties can be a great way to reconnect with friends and unwind in a relaxed and casual setting. We all live fast-paced and busy lives. Sometimes it can be just what everyone needs in order to unwind.

Setting-wise, if you want to truly keep things relaxed and casual, as well as inexpensive, nothing beats your own home. This can also serve as a good throwback to those college and high school days when that type of thing was a bit more common. It could also be fun if you’re down to spend a bit more money to go to a hotel or even a grown-up arcade/bar and bring the party there. This probably isn't the sort of event you’d want to overly-concern yourself with in regards to decorating. Keep things mellow and casual.

For food, remember that we’re shooting for nostalgia, so harkening back to those days of your youth with simple food like pizza and fries. A pajama party isn’t something to worry about getting fancy for. With drinks, keep it simple: for non-alcoholic, go with sodas and for alcoholic, stick with beer and colorful mixed drinks.

The next big question is what to do? This would be a great opportunity to either rent a karaoke machine, or really let loose with a sing-along video game. There of course also plenty of regular video games and of course movies for background noise during the party. It’s one of those things where you really want to think about, what would I have wanted to do in my late teens?

I’m sure there are some that would roll their eyes at the thought of being an adult and hosting or going to a bachelor party. Just remember though, sometimes it’s important to forget yourself, your job, your family, your debts, and just have fun. That is something that I fear we tend to lose as we get older. As time goes by, it becomes far more difficult to lose yourself in just being silly for a night. The older you get though, the more important those nights can be. You never want to lose your ability to simply let go, and have a good time, and why not in your pajamas?

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Pajamas: A Brief History

Pajamas, deriving from the word pyjama, which became integrated into the English language in the year 1800 via Hindustani (though the actual term pajama is Persian meaning ‘leg garment’), and became used worldwide through British occupation of India and their worldwide influence.

Pajamas had been introduced to the English as early as the seventeenth century as ‘lounging attire’, and were commonly used as day-wear in India. They didn't really catch on as a fashion though in the Western world in the Victorian Era until around 1870, and even then, only as sleepwear for men. In the Middle East and India, pajamas had been worn by both classes, but had only been in fashion for men in the British Empire. Over time, this gradually changed, and they evolved into not just being suitable for men and women, but as a general fashion.

Celebrities were a large part of the reason for why it became popular to wear pajamas in public. Very big names like Ryan Gosling and Rihanna could be spotted at major events sporting sleepwear. Thanks to the internet and the tabloids, this naturally got noted by everyone and subsequently, and unsurprisingly, imitated by the masses. It ended up becoming very popular to wear sleepwear in public but as a result, took criticism from some groups, including politicians.

In 2012, a commissioner in Louisiana by the name of Michael Williams actually proposed an ordinance to ban students from wearing pajamas in public schools. He viewed it, and perhaps rightfully so, as a slippery slope in regard to our moral fabric where today it may be loose-fitting pajamas, but tomorrow it could be underwear. His logic was if it didn't stop with pajamas, then when would it? 

Many schools nowadays don’t allow students to wear pajamas and put official bans in place within the school dress code. This is largely due to the fact that many pajamas can be very loose fitting, and as a result, it can be easy to have wardrobe malfunctions with them. That’s part of the reason why it’s so important to make sure you are well contained in whatever pajamas you choose to wear in public. Some wardrobe malfunctions after all, can be a felony.